About Us

  TET Engineering Moulds LTD.China

  Please forget whatever you heard about Chinese toolmakers so far-we are different.The company was established from the Austrian Engelbert Figo and the Chinese Tom Tang. We speak “your”language and build the tool you want for your articie.. It doesn’t matter if you need:

- Article modifications and/or DFM (Design For Manufacturing)14537796486137724.jpg

  - Tool design

  - Mold flow Studies

  - Production tools

  - Proto tools

  - 3D Measurement

  - Engineering

  - Project management

  - You can order all “modules” mentioned above,a combination of two or more or only ont.


  Quality.workmanship.and service are our core values.

  To meet and exceed our customers’expectations,we continually do our best improve our services by introducing fresh and innovative ideas.

  By using CAD/CAE/CAM technology,we continually maintain product integrity and accuracy. Constantly blends the skills of our people with advanced technology so that we can quickly respond to the on-going challenges that confront our customers.

  In every step of the process, we always make quality controls to ensure we meet your expectationgs and requiremets.

  What if there are troubles with your tools in Europe or if you want to make modifications, reparation and/or Our partner HWB (Horitschoner Werkzeugbau) in  Austria will be pleased to help you.

  Contact:Mr.Matthias Fennes

  HWB-Horitschoner Werkzeugbau GmbH

  A-7312 horitschon

  IndustriestraBe 1

  Tel +43 2610 43153 0

  Fax +43 2610 43153 15

  Mobil +43 664 2533107



TET Precision Moulds LTD. @ All rights reserved   粤ICP备13024138号   技术支持:东莞网页设计